PAC on Demand | APLS Australia

Death in the acute care environment – Susan Trethewie | PAC 2014

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Jan 19, 2021 5:43:00 AM


Dr Susan Trethewie on death in the paediatric acute care environment.

Speaker biography:
Susan is a Paediatrician experienced in palliative medicine, working as a Staff Specialist of Paediatric Palliative Medicine at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick since 2002. Her background is Paediatric Medicine Training at Sydney Children's Hospital, followed by adult palliative medicine training through Sydney Institute of Palliative Medicine and SAC Palliative Medicine (RACP). From 1999-2001 she held the position of Locum Staff Specialist Palliative Medicine at Prince of Wales Hospital. Since 2002, her primary role has been Paediatric Palliative Medicine. Over that time, paediatric palliative care services at SCH have expanded to a broad multi-disciplinary team which works to enhance the care for all children with life-limiting illnesses and their families. SCH Palliative Care Service is now part of the NSW Paediatric Palliative Care Programme: a collaborative group of Paediatric Palliative Care Services in NSW working together to develop resources for patients, carers and health professionals to improve knowledge and enhance the access to services in the community.

From the 2014 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in Sydney.