PAC on Demand | APLS Australia

Fluids in Paediatric DKA – Elliot Long | PAC 2018

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Jan 28, 2021 3:26:44 AM


Dr Elliot Long presents a groundbreaking study by Dr Nate Kupperman and Dr Nicole Glaser on fluids in paediatric DKA. The study's abstract: 'Diabetic ketoacidosis in children may cause brain injuries ranging from mild to severe. Whether intravenous fluids contribute to these injuries has been debated for decades'. Here, Elliot summarises one of 2018's hot research topics.

Speaker biography:
Elliot is a Paediatric Emergency Physician working at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. He has been an APLS instructor since 2008. He should be near completion of PhD studies through the University of Melbourne, be sure to ask him how it is going. His fluid research is increasingly focused on those composed of malted barley.

From the 2018 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in Hobart.