PAC on Demand | APLS Australia

The Flux Capacitor Hypothesis: PEM Research – Ed Oakley | PAC 2017

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Jan 20, 2021 2:17:49 AM


Inspired by Back to the Future, Dr Ed Oakley discusses how paediatric acute care research might look 10 years from now.

Speaker biography:
Ed Oakley is a Paediatric Emergency Physician and Chief of Critical Care at the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. He has an interest in research, incorporating best care into clinical practice in emergency departments, and system monitoring to highlight variation in care and ensure sustainable change. He is the lead researcher in the Paediatric Emergency Medicine Centre of Research Excellence in Australia, and involved in research through the PREDICT network.

From the 2017 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in the Gold Coast.