How do we use data when debriefing to improve the performance of resuscitation teams? 

Ziad Nehme, Acting Director of Research & Evaluation at Ambulance Victoria discusses how Victoria's first responders used data metrics and targeted debriefs to improve cardiac arrest outcomes. 

Speaker biography: 
Ziad is a paramedic and a Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow with expertise in pre-hospital emergency care and resuscitation research. Zian holds appointments as a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, as an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Research and Evaluation, Ambulance Victoria, and as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Department of Paramedicine, Monash University. Ziad is an Associate Editor for the Australasian Emergency Care and Prehospital Emergency Care journals, and an editorial board member of the journals Resuscitation and Resuscitation Plus. He also has over 15 years' experience working as an Advanced Life Support paramedic with Ambulance Victoria. 

From the 2022 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in Melbourne.